Effects of Salvia and Experience
Reports By Salvia Users
About a week later, a mysterious package
arrived in the mail. It was very odd
looking, with all sorts of odd out of country
stamps on it. No surprise since it was
shipped from the mountainous regions of Mexico
(quite hard to find, and thus very expensive at
the time).
Then I prepared a Salvia Infusion (tea) and
packed some of the leaves into the bowl of a
regular tobacco pipe, took a deep breath and
hoped for the best....
didn't even notice the transition at first.
It came on very quick and easy - very
"My First Experience With Salvia Was...
say it all the time, but I finally experienced
something that words cannot define. It's
not meant to be spoken, only felt. And it's
felt in your being like a change in
It first felt like I was being lifted from my
body, out the top of my head. Not my
vital body, but my spiritual light body - the
vehicle of my consciousness.
After a dreamy like state where I visited a
swing set from back in my child hood, I had a
talk with an invisible entity that answered some
of my questions...
asked it things like, "Is this for real?" and
"Why doesn't everybody stay in this state?"
Of course I asked, "What do I do with myself for
the rest of my life?"
might sound far fetched, but I experienced
immortality. I felt what it's like to
leave the body, and then re-enter the body like
it was a robot. My body didn't feel like
"me" - it felt like a bio-organic machine I
could control and move around... make speak and
sing if I wanted to as well.
ALL Became So Clear To Me!
After my first experience, it became quite clear
that we are something very small... a unique
point of consciousness controlling a large
bio-machine for the purpose of interacting with
and 'existing' in this material world.
Death doesn't exist, only 'moving on' and
'moving through' different planes of existence.
I finally verified for myself what the great men
of all time, religion and ages have always said.
There is no death! Time only
exists in the material world. And spirit
is what we really are - an immortal, omnipotent
Very difficult to describe because it wasn't
really an "experience" at all, but rather
something so natural and uplifting I can only
describe it as peaceful.
After that day, I began to call Salvia Divinorum
"The Dragon" as typically they are a sign of
Immortality, Wisdom and Power. Each
experience I have doesn't leave me 'craving for
more' by any means... but quite the opposite.
Today I don't recall what words were spoken
between me and my spirit guide. I due
remember it's voice being very deep, and
harmonious... how I imagine God's voice to
sound. Since then we've spoke many other
times through the Salvia induced state.
And each
time it leaves me changed somehow.
"If I had
to sum the experience up in a few words, the
word would be peace... peace from
knowing everything is going to be alright - no
matter what. Fear comes from ignorance
of the omnipotence of your true self.
Yee are truly Gods."
You see Salvia leaves you feeling content, and
peaceful. Salvia is a fresh breath of
spiritual air. It leaves you with the
spiritual guidance and strength you need to
carry on in low energy world or material forms.
Today, I don't visit the Dragon very often.
Not because it isn't pleasurable, but simply
because I don't feel the need. I've
learned so much from the Salvia experiences, the
only thing left to do now is share it with
And that's why your here now. Because I
was impacted so positively by this sacred plant
I was compelled to share it. It was like
being told a precious secret... and for those
ready to hear it - Salvia Dragon was created.
Read My
Latest Salvia Blog Experience Here
Others Reports Of Salvia
Divinorum Experiences:
Even more full-length
experience reports by Salvia Dragon 5x users.
These are just a handful of the hundreds of
Salvia Divinorum reports that have been
submitted by people all around the world!
Buy Salvia Here...

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Experiences Might YOU Have Once You Realize Your
Own Omnipotence? Just Imagine!
You see, the
Salvia experience differs for everyone and it's never the
same. The spiritual and astral realms are
infinitely more powerful than the physical realm, so
there's no telling what you might encounter or
Only 24 laws govern
the Astral World. For starters, there is no
gravity. And since there is no gravity, there
are no restrictions to time/space. If you can
think it, and have the creative energy to manifest
it, the world around you changes instantly.
Objects are made of lifetrons, and light --
not dense physical matter like on earth.
Salvia Divinorum can do that.
Do you want to
taste an apple on the astral plane? There is
no need to drive to the local "astral grocery
Nope, not here. Rather you simple ask a fruit
tree to produce one and pick the most delicious red apple you
can imagine.
- What might you
look like once you find yourself in the Astral
- What do you
WANT to look like?
- Can you
imagine where you would go first???
It's true, the law
of gravity does not exist in the astral world.
Flying in the astral plane is as easy as breathing.
Salvia can prove it.
Buy Salvia Here...
Many techniques
exist for actually taking flight in the astral.
I personally start with what looks like a plane taking
I run as fast as they can and
with the intention of taking off.
Typically I didn't go very high at first... I had to
But, here's a tip!
You who wants to sore above the clouds in the astral
world... relax.... Just like in water (which the
astral fluid is very much alike), a tense body sinks
like a rock. While one relaxed and filled with
air easily floats on the surface with little effort.
The tip to success in the physical world, and in the
astral world, is to learn to totally relax.
Relax and you'll
sustain your astral experience longer. Relax
and you'll sustain your physical life much longer.
Breath slowly... deeply.. and just relax. =)
Take a
moment-for-yourself and think about it...
Can you
imagine being weight-less, not imprisoned by a
heavy body?
We've created a
deep relaxation CD just for this reason... it's
called "Astral Projection MP3" and you can get
it free (see below).